The Servo 3000 Infeed + Re-register System vs. Servo Presses

The Servo 3000 Infeed + Re-register System was designed to improve the overall registration and lower material waste on mechanical drive presses.

In most cases the Servo 3000 lowers materials used for initial job set up and nearly eliminates running waste. However, the biggest area for savings is on press restarts due to changing a roll, removing the matrix, etc. On many presses the colors pull out when the press ramps to speed, then slowly pulls back in wasting several hundred feet to get back into register.

With the Servo 3000 register is never really lost! When the plates come back on impression its more a matter of the length of the press - the lost material in press is from first color. Any material your press uses beyond this is the potential savings with the Servo 3000.

We’re sure you haveread or seen demos of full servo presses make readying in one press length and dramatically reducing waste compared to mechanical presses. Well the Servo 3000 adds a piece of full servo performance to your press.

Most of our customers are realizing pay back between a few months to 18 months. Use the waste saving calculator use your own data to determine payback for your company.

What our customers say about the Servo 3000 please   see the links below.

  Labelsunlimited, LTD - RayPress Corp.